
To this day, one of my favorite things to do is to go to new places and explore. I explore through the lens of my camera. Sure, I can walk around and enjoy a new place and what it has to offer but it’s with my camera to my eye that I really start to experience the place. I start to actually see and the place takes on a new life. Through my images I hope that other people who have been there, or want to go there, will experience something that they missed while just enjoying the place.

The image on this blog are samples of what I see.


To see full galleries of places I’ve photographed and to purchase fine art prints or commercial downloads, visit my stock web page:


To see my commercial photography portfolio, visit my commercial photography web page:


If you like what I see and want my vision for your project:

call me at 919-821-9902 or

email: mail@GottschallPhoto.com

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